
How The Classes Work

There are, in fact, a few schools that offer an online nursing degree. You can obtain your registered nurse (RN) degree online as well in many cases, at least with partial work experience offline as a requisite portion to the course. You can earn your associate's degree in nursing, for example, and apply for your initial RN license online which will lead you to a completion section of actual experience testing offline at a school or nursing location that will give you the chance to practice practical skills. The online nursing degree program can be very challenging but it is also very rewarding. As mentioned, when you are enrolled in an online nursing degree program you complete the majority of your course work in online classes or in an online sense with the work being completed at your leisure during your time. This constitutes the non-clinical portion of your online course work, of course. For the clinical portions, you would be transferred to an arranged medical facility near your home at which you could complete the clinical trial portions and your grade would be assembled through this work and the combination of your work online during the non-clinical portions of the program.

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