
"With the bluebirds protesting from the trees on the capitol lawn outside his window,

From October, 1928, to May, 1929, the State Audubon Society of Michigan conducted a systematic campaign to find their bird of state with the cooperation of the press, libraries, schools and many groups. A total of 184,209 votes were cast, the Robin leading with a vote of 45,541. The chickadee received 37,155 and the bluebird 17,024. There were many other candidates. The choice of Robin was legalized on April 8, 1931. Minnesota was faced with an embarrassment of excellent candidates in its State bird vote organized by Mrs. Willard Bayliss, then president of the State Federation of Women's Clubs. After much publicity and a substantial vote for the Goldfinch, it was selected. Debates in the schools, special club programs and publicity attended Mississippi's State bird campaign conducted by Mrs. G. H. Reever, chairman, which was made the outstanding work of the conservation division of the State Federation in 1929. The Mockingbird proved to be the popular choice and was given legal status.

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