
For courses online, they are those forgetting about assignments,

It is common to hear college students agonizing over the studies. "Oh, it is very hard!" "It is very tough!" some can pre-warn prospective students. In fact, either in the classroom or online, discipline is 50 percent of success. A lot of students are undisciplined. In case you look around your classroom, you will know who they are at once. They will miss class, come in late, submit late assignments, forget about their assigned readings, wait until the final minute to begin working on their assignments, chat on MSN on laptops during lectures, plus this list goes on. Some will suffer from hangovers as well.

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For courses online, they are those forgetting about assignments, continuing to chat with their friends while listening/watching to online lectures, plus leave your readings for the final minute. You cannot absorb chapters on chapters of info or intensive lectures within several hours. It doesn't take a rocket researcher to know that doing all mentioned affects your success and grade. That's why discipline is the half of your success. You should be disciplined plus do everything you are supposed to, as well as the other 50% will come itself. But there may be time when you don't understand the matter, and problem could be intensified if it is a course online and an instructor is not available. Yes, this happens but it is the exception than the rule.

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Also, you should never underestimate the impact your being punctual and attentive can have on the instructor. Professors are people, and they're influenced by the factors than the quality of your paper and exam answers.

