How long have been looking for the best way to lose belly fat? Have you found
out any? How many people said that the best way to lose belly fat is a crash
diet or Hoodia pills or reduction in water intake and all that kind of garble?
Today everybody thinks of himself or herself as a weight loss
consultant. You will get as many advices from as many people you ask. But is
there a way out of this dense jungle of advices? Is there a right path following
which you can find the best way to lose belly fat? The good news is, yes. And
you don鈥檛 need to be a rocket scientist to understand it. Keep reading to find
out how you too can get back into that perfect shape you always
First of all you will have to change your eating habits. Lack of
time due to our busy schedules is not the only reason why we eat the wrong food.
It is also our lack of understanding about the various vitamins and minerals
that our body needs due to which we don鈥檛 eat right stuff. We eat a lot of junk
food like burgers, sausages, pizzas, tacos etc. thinking that they are good.
But anything that just tingles your taste-buds is not absolutely good
for your health. A single chicken burger from your favorite fast food joint
contains more calories than you burn in a day (if you are not into heavy
exercising). Imagine eating just two a day only because you like the
Butter contains mainly unsaturated fats which are good for your
body in only small quantities. Switch over to healthier options like olive oil
or any other cholesterol reducing oil for frying purposes. Also it is time that
you quit colas because they contain not only harmful chemicals but also lots of
sugar. Start eating fresh fruits and veggies instead of packed juices or
Also replace your morning bread and peanut butter
breakfast with sprouts and a glass of toned (fat free) milk. Eat light meals 5-6
times a day. Eat a very light dinner, preferably salads like cucumber, tomatoes,
carrots etc and a glass of toned milk.
But then this is not the best way
to lose belly fat. You must complement diet with proper exercise to get that
perfect shape and best results in the least amount of time naturally. Start with
a little brisk walking or jogging or running. Start with a mile a day and push
it up to 4 miles a day in 4 weeks, increasing by a mile every week.
it every morning because that is the best time to exercise. Follow it up with
some stretching exercises and an hour of weight training exercises like Planks,
Abs Scissors, weight lifting etc in the gym. Weight training exercises help to
burn the maximum amount of calories in the body
I hope this article
helped to clear some clutter and showed you the natural, pills free and the best
way to lose belly fat.
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