
If you want that perfect smile, there are three methods available in the market:

According to a well-respected Waterloo Dentist, the fast rising star in the world of cosmetic dentistry are teeth whitening. Possessing a celebrity white teeth is considered as a measure of success. People wish of their bright smile and envious that their teeth looked as good. There are different methods of teeth whitening that are promoted by Dentists in Waterloo. The most common dental procedure is teeth whitening especially in the field of cosmetic dentistry. There are two forms you can whiten your teeth either in your dentist's office or in the comfort of your home. Teeth whitening solutions like hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide can be purchased in your supermarkets or drugstores as they can help lighten the shade of your teeth. Some whitening methods are bleaching strips, bleaching pen, laser bleaching, bleaching gel, and natural bleaching. As a person ages, the adult teeth often become darker due to changes in the mineral structure of tooth, as the enamel become porous. But what actually makes one's teeth to darken? There are two basic factors involve in staining the teeth: extrinsic stains and intrinsic stains. Extrinsic stains are usually found on the surface of the teeth because of prolonged exposure to dark-colored beverages, foods and most especially tobacco. Some stubborn extrinsic stains can be remedied by teeth bleaching. Power bleaching uses light energy to accelerate the process of bleaching. The effects of bleaching can last for several months. Side effects are also experienced in bleaching.

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The other ones are intrinsic stains found inside the teeth. Intrinsic stains are results of excessive ingestion of fluoride, aging, trauma, and exposure to minerals especially tetracycline. In cosmetic dentistry these can be easily removed but dentist waterloo believes that these stains can be removed also by simple take-home teeth whitening solutions.

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If you want that perfect smile, there are three methods available in the market: Dentist Supervised- if you are in a hurry to have that white teeth then dentist supervised teeth whitening is right for you. The waterloo dentist will use highly-concentrated peroxide gel in controlled use. The gum is protected by a paint-on rubber dam to protect against chemical burning. Additional session is required if the stains are really stubborn. Take-Home Whitening Kits- many waterloo dentists believe that professionally dispensed take-home whitening kit produce the best results over the long run. The procedure usually involves the use of lower concentration of peroxide gel that remains in the teeth for an hour or longer. The gel is administered through custom-made bleaching trays that resemble mouth guards. Over-the-Counter Whitening -it is considered the cheapest option among the three methods. The method involves store-bought whitening kit that includes a bleaching gel with a concentration lower than professionally dispensed take home kits. The gel is applied in one-size-fits-all trays; this method usually whitens only few of the front teeth unlike custom trays that can whiten the entire smile.

