Finally we must mention what you eat plays a huge role in how well you can remember things.
Do you often have the problem of remembering names even though you were just introduced? How about directions, addresses, even to a house you've been to a couple of times? If these are issues for you than you are about to discover the three best known methods to make sure that you can remember people not only on first name, but on first and last name basis. Addresses, phone numbers, and emails will only have to be seen or heard one time and your mind will make sure to keep that data available to you as you need it. Taking tests, remembering lectures, and other academic work will become much simpler for you after you implement the following techniques.
The first method is usually known as the random word memory technique. This technique is actually quite familiar to the nerdy crowds and in fact there is a national contest for those who have become masters of it. You will need a timer, a dictionary, a couple of sheets of paper, and a writing device. Take your dictionary, or any book will do, and open it to a random page then write down the first word you see on one of the pieces of paper. Now turn the page again and write down the first word you see there on that same piece of paper. Keep doing this until you have ten words on your page. Now take this sheet of paper and stare at the words for thirty seconds. Once the thirty seconds are up, turn the paper with your written words over and use the other piece of paper to write down the words that you just wrote on that page. Concentrate on getting them in the right order. If you only got a few words right, do not be embarrassed, may people start this way. Repeat this exercise again, picking ten new words from your book. I suggest that you spend fifteen to thirty minutes every day doing this. Once you can get the ten words correct and in the right order, move up to twenty words. Continue to raise the amount of words as you see yourself able get the words correct. Once you reach thirty or more words correct, you will notice a major improvement in your memory. I would be surprised if you ever forgot a first name again or forgot an answer to one of the questions on your exam.
The next exercise helps remembering things such as phone numbers, addresses and directions. You will need a timer, a few pieces of paper, or a gridded paper pad if you happen to have one lying around, some playing dice and a writing device. Make a five by five grid on your piece of paper now make another five by five grid on a second piece of paper. Set the second piece of paper aside and on the first piece of paper pick a random square and put a one into it, pick another random square and now put a two, keep doing this up to six, then start over with putting a one again in a new random space. Keep doing this until the whole grid is filled with numbers one through six. Now roll your dice and whatever number comes up try to remember the location of every instance of that number on your grid. Do this for one minute. Now try to write down those numbers in the right squares on the second piece of paper, without looking at the first piece of paper obviously. Perhaps five by five was too easy for you. Well increase it to a ten by ten grid and add two dice, this time numbering your grid from one to twelve. If you are able to do this one increase the size of the grid to fifteen by fifteen, but don't add more dice. Once you are able to do a thirty by thirty grid with only two dice, remembering things such as phone numbers, addresses, and directions will be something you'll be able to do perfectly without even really thinking about it.
Finally we must mention what you eat plays a huge role in how well you can remember things. Start drinking coffee (leave out the milk and sugar if you can), yes, you read that right, coffee. Next start eating very dark chocolate, it should be at least seventy percent or higher on the cocoa in your chocolate. Eating milk chocolate will not help you out here so don't try kidding yourself. Add ginko, ginseng, and other memory boosting herbs to your diet as well, other things such as hgh, can also be beneficial. We urge you to stay away from drugs like Ritalin even though they do increase your brain's ability to remember. Ritalin has some serious side effects and unless you are studying for a huge exam, I suggest you forget that it exists.
You know have everything you need to start getting your brain's memory working at its top ability. Perhaps spending thirty minutes to an hour is too much for you, well then cut it down to doing each exercise once per day. That will take you less than five minutes a day, even the busiest person can fit that into their day.
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