
Just as it is with adults you can help to control the level of your child's blood pressure.

Their ads are hard to resist. Kids are bombarded with messages targeted specifically to them and studies show that kids who spend 5 or more hours per day watching TV are 60% more likely to be overweight. Fast food is often cited as being unhealthy and fattening; however, is it the food alone which causes obesity? It is true that many fast food chains serve foods that are high in saturated fats like red meat and fried foods, as well as foods that contain large amounts of sodium and processed sugars. Vending machines also contribute to the problem of childhood obesity.

Most parents aren't aware that soft drink vendors pay commissions to schools based on sales of their products. They rake in huge profits so they can afford to give some back to schools that allow their vending machines. It's nothing more than having small decisions in a day-to day basis, which for the most part will make up the solution for the child's healthier diet. Just being aware of these practical steps is the most important step you can take to help your child. Of course there are children who aren't genetically disposed to sports or exercise, but that doesn't mean they can't get enjoyment out of it. Just because your child isn't into traditional sports such as soccer, running or hiking, doesn't mean there isn't some activity that will appeal to them.

Of course there are children who aren't genetically disposed to sports or exercise, but that doesn't mean they can't get enjoyment out of it. Just because your child isn't into traditional sports such as soccer, running or hiking, doesn't mean there isn't some activity that will appeal to them. Having an obese child often results in many other health ailments other than excessive weight gain. Children can obtain asthma, back pains, knee pains, joint problems, sleep apnea, diabetes and depression all from gaining a few extra pounds.

At a recent American Heart Association's annual scientific session held in New Orleans, scientists informed the gathering that many obese kids and teenagers have been tested and the results have shown that their carotid walls are almost same as those of a person who is nearly 30 years older than them. Give rewards when your child eats healthy and does get in exercise by playing outside. Make sure your child knows what these rewards are to motivate this type of positive behavior.

Just as it is with adults you can help to control the level of your child's blood pressure. First you need to watch their diet carefully. Make sure they are eating a lot of fruits and vegetables alongside some lean protein, and avoiding as much salt intake as possible. If you have really young kids, this will be easy. Start them with water and don't give them sugary drinks. They will eventually get exposed as they grow older, but if they are used to water, they will be miles ahead. If your kids are a little older.

