Any form of medication, whether it is a prescription or over-the-counter drug,
has certain side effects. As for the intake of birth control pills, the side
effects commonly experienced by women are either negative or positive. The
effects, however, can be considered negative or positive, depending on a woman's
Among the positive effects of using birth control pills are
lighter flow of menstruation, less cramping, and more precise duration of
menstrual period. These benefits are regarded by most women as relief in their
everyday lives and productivity. For these reasons, young girls and women talk
to their gynecologists to get birth control pills prescription even if they
don't need the pills for its primary purpose of preventing
Despite the benefits brought by using birth control pills,
these medications also have adverse side effects that many women find really
annoying and distressing. These side effects may trigger a few months after use
or after a few years of usage.
To become aware of the most common
negative birth control side effects, below is a list to help women decide if
they will still pursue going on pills once they know its
1. Headache
Once headache triggers, women who are
taking pills are advised to monitor the pain using the pill pack. What needs to
be noted is when the pain is worst; whether it is during the active pill intake
or in the last week of intake. Remember that estrogen is known to trigger
headaches, thus, requiring women to take pills that only contain progestin. Also
in some cases, headaches occur when hormone level decreases during the last week
of the pill pack, hence, requiring women to change their pill brand.
is recommended to women who are experiencing headache attacks to track and time
the intervals of pain before consulting to their gynecologists. This will help
the doctors determine what to prescribe and recommend.
It is normal for women to feel nauseous on the first few days or
weeks of their pill intake. Common advise to most women is to start off with a
new pack or to wait for the feeling of nausea to pass.
Best way to deal
with nausea is to take the pills on time everyday. Not taking the pills on time
will only make the feeling of nausea worse as one needs to double the intake.
Many gynecologists recommend the intake of pills before going to bed so that
nausea will occur while sleeping.
3. Abnormal bleeding
generally takes a few months for the menstrual cycle to regulate itself when a
women is on pill.
In the first few months, most women may experience
small amount of bleeding or a full blown period in between cycle. Although some
think that these are indications that the pill is not working, such effects are
considered normal. However, when a woman fails to regularly take the pills,
irregular bleeding may persists. When this happens, it is highly recommended for
women to immediately consult their gynecologists.